造血生長因子於癌症患者接受化療的使用參考指引 Hematopoietic Growth Factor Guideline(2024 年更新):初級預防、次級預防、治療時機
很常被問到「我可以用 G-CSF 嗎? "May I use G-CSF now?”」,乾脆在晨會上教學 + 寫文章來介紹一下初級預防、次級預防、治療時機。
注意:此篇所稱之癌症患者不包括骨髓性癌症 (e.g., AML, MDS…)。
初級預防 Primary prophylaxis
G-CSF was not recommended as primary prophylaxis.
May be considered in patients with high-risk clinical features.
次級預防 Secondary prophylaxis
If FN occur, need to consider G-CSF use.
Repeated assessment after each subsequent cycle.
治療 Therapeutic
If patient had been using G-CSF → Continue
If not, assess risk factors → consider to use